Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stress Reliever

Ok, so here it goes....

With working, packing (still haven't filled a box but have gone through and purged items), coordinating, and all the other logistics in my life, my stress level is though the roof. I brought Marley home from daycare yesterday and we usually play outside but it has been really hot and muggy and I simply was not in the mood.

With a small tantrum we came inside and I brought out all the puzzles. Marley was not interested, it's summer she doesn't care about the heat, she wanted to be outside. Sorry but Mommy is not giving in this I thought.

I was busy with something and Marley was climbing up the walls, then she started running around the coffee table in her toddler Cro-Magnon way. I stopped what I was doing and joined her, mimicking every move. After two laps we were both on the floor in a fit of hysterical laughter. When the laughter subsided we did it three more times.

It reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon that I read years ago. The punch line was "if you can't beat 'em join 'em"... and so I did.


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