Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The end of another era

If Mississippi wore her New Jersey what would Delaware?

My Grandmother would always repeat that when I was a child.

My Grandmother passed away yesterday morning, she was 96. She led such a beautiful life and I am going to miss her so much. She was such an inspiration to me and such an influence in my life. I am so lucky to have had her as my Grandmother.

I have no doubt that I will be blogging about her a lot in the weeks to come. She was truly an amazing woman.


Scatterbrain said...

Jocelyn- I am so sorry to hear it.
A big hug from us and we're sending good thoughts your way, dear.

RYD said...

Jocelyn, I'm so sorry. My best friend just lost her grandmother, too. I'm sure they are both in a happier place, hanging out, wondering when all their pals will join them because the afterlife is way cooler than mortality. Be well. -Roxanne

Jocelyn said...

Thank you ladies for the good thoughts. I will be posting more stories about her when things settle down. She was a fun lady!

Roxanne-I do believe that they are all in a happier place, with all the loved ones that they have lost in their lives. Hope your friend is doing well.