Monday, June 23, 2008

It wasn't the rain....

...that detoured me from the beach this weekend, it was the lightning. I was somewhat disappointed because it was our plan, a wonderful day at the beach. I like the beach when it's cold or rainy yet I love the beach when it's warm and sunny. It's simply, earth, in it's raw beauty.

Last Friday Marley was nicknamed "Rain Goddess" at school. I remember dancing in the rain as a child and how much fun it was and how good it felt. Why I stopped doing such things, I don't know. I have come to realize that one of the true joys of being a parent is rediscovering the child in me and all the little things in life that are a joy.

Here is to my Rain Goddess. May you splash in many puddles, dance to the beat of your own heart and live to always enjoy the simple things in life.

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