Monday, March 05, 2007

Last weekend

On Thursday, Marley and I headed to Virginia with my sister to visit the Grandmothers and to pick up a new/used vehicle for me. It was an exhausting visit. Nana's house is NOT babyproof with the exposed outlets and valuable trinkets strategically placed all over the house. Besides the fact that Marley was wide eyed and to all the untouchables it was a good visit.

We were able to spend a few hours with hubby's Mom, aka Grandma, on Saturday. Grandma wanted to go toy shopping and spoil her Granddaughter. We found a Kmart and headed straight to the toy section. Grandma picked out an Elmo doll and handed it to Marley. Of course Marley fell in love with it and we knew it was going to be placed in the cart. This particular Elmo doll teaches children to dress and undress, which is Marley's favorite past time these days. Here's a link. (I'd make it pretty on my blog but I am not yet so computer savvy)

This doll got my approval until the next day.

The next morning, I took Elmo out of all of his packaging and handed him to my wide eyed toddler. She unzipped Elmo's jacket and Elmo says "Is it hot in here or is it just Elmo". Nana and I stopped and looked at this so seemingly innocent toy and burst out laughing. Seriously what is he trying to teach my daughter?!


Scatterbrain said...

Elmo is soooo cheeky! What's next? Cabana Boy Elmo for Mom???
Marley sounds like she's soooooo funny! Wanna see pics!

Jocelyn said...

He is a very cheeky Elmo! I certainly don't want her falling for lines like that when she older. teehee.