Friday, January 19, 2007

Marley update

Wow! It's been a month since my last entry! Bad me.

Marley is turning 16 months on Sunday. I can't believe how time is flying. She is losing her babyesqueness (can I play that word in Scrabble?)rapidly. It's bitter sweet.

Hubby is in Virginia clearing out our storage unit this week (so glad it's him and not me) so it's just been my Bug and me. Our routine in the evening is bath, pj's, snuggle on the couch with a sippy cup of milk, clean up the toys, book and bed. On Wednesday night, after the sippy cup of milk, I was throwing her toys into one of the baskets. I noticed Marley was at the other basket, my first thought was she is emptying the contents. Boy did I not give my Bug the benefit of the doubt. She was putting her toys into the basket! After she finished she went over to her Legos Princess Carriage and began putting all the Legos pieces back in. When all the pieces were in the carriage she rolled it under the coffee table, gave me a look that said "Ok Mom, it's time for bed".

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