Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dear Blog, I have not forgotten you

Life has been really busy adjusting to waking up and scrambling out the door in the morning to have Marley in daycare by 8:20. Breakfast is served at 8:30 and a perfect way for Marley to start her day with all of her friends. It's been an adjustment for all of us, Marley the most. Growing up is a hard thing to do! This is week number 4 and I really feel that she has finally adjusted. She's had more good days than bad and so far this week they have been all good, better than good they have been great.

That is my update for now. It's after 10:00. I just came home from my book club. The book this month was Best Friends by Martha Moody. I'm still on the second chapter (told ya life has been hectic), so far the book has not impressed me nor did it impress my fellow book clubbers. I may not read any further. Nonetheless, it's a great group of women and we have a really great time talking about more than just the books that the group has chosen. I am meeting some great people. For example, tonight, I met a woman who lived in Breckenridge for 10 years. She and her husband left 2 years after hubby and I had moved there. We had a good time reminiscing and yes we discovered we knew some of the same people. On the way home I was singing, "It's a small world after all.....".

Good night my dear Blog. I think of you often even though I don't write as often as I would like.

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