Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's been awhile now hasn't it!

Every day for the last few weeks I've been trying to get back to this page. I have so much to tell! You guessed it my life has been busy. Busy with things I need to write and no time to sit and write because the things I want to write just keep happening. The Brits would say "bugger". I'm not a Brit so I say it's mostly because of a certain Bugalicious. How is she you ask?! Oh my goodness what's a Mother to do when your first born is walking and needless to say becoming a very good toddler. She had a melt down in the grocery store the other day despite the baggy of Arrowroot cookies. I was in line checking out when the little volcano inside of her exploded. People have always said how embarrassing a melt down can be. Embarrassing?! She's not even one. I simply looked at the people behind me in line and said "what's she's really saying is excuse me but I'm having toddler moment". If you're a parent, you'll get it.

So enough for now. I have so much more to write but it's Labor Day weekend and I must make a goody for a BBQ tomorrow.

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