Friday, June 27, 2008

Rainbow Hunting

It's been a tough week. My job is stressful but I was given an opportunity to lay out some much needed changes and only hope that it may have an impact and a benefit for the company as a whole.

Marley had a few stressfull days this week. Thankfully her fangs did not come out but the temper tantrums did. This was Wednesday morning with my grumpulophougus.

Marley laying on the floor, crying:

"Marney no want juice"

Mom asks "Do you want a breakfast bar?"

"Nooooooo". sniffle, sniffle.

Mom asks, "Does Marley need hugs and snuggles?"

"No, Marney no want hugs and snuggles." with a louder pitch and a few fists hitting the floor.

Mom asks "Does Marley want to lay on the floor and cry?"


It was left at that. A happy Marley emerged about 10 minutes later and all ended well.

Sometimes we all need a good cry.


I love Friday. Marley and I have been walking to the river front to listen to free concerts. We enjoy a slice of pizza and listen to a band and then head home. Sometimes we go with friends and sometimes we don't.

It was raining last night and I was really tired. The music venue was an 80's chick hairband and I was not in the mood. So we opted to stay home. We made a lady bug out of construction paper and glue. It kept our interest for about half an hour. Wondering what to do next, I noticed that it was still raining but the sun was out. This is when we decided to go on a rainbow hunt and we found one. This adventure led us around the block seeing neighbors, a fire truck and a heart built out of bricks.

I can't seem to get enough of the simple things in life these days and thanks to Marley they are more fascinating than ever before.

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