Friday, April 27, 2007

Spring/Summer Fashions

Spring time can be a little tricky. I'm never sure what to wear. One day it's rainy and in the 50's the next it's sunny, humid and in the 80's. My closet is a mess! I have t-shirts mixed in with my cashmere.

I'm realizing that I need to go shopping. I literally do not have any clothes to wear to work! Last summer I did not work, I was home with Marley. My wardrobe consisted of shorts and t-shirts. The summer before that I was pregnant, my wardrobe consisted of maternity clothes. Which brings me to this years fashions. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that this years trend may make the maternity stores go out of business?

Here's a preview appropriately labeled:

First Trimester
Second Trimester Third trimester

Seriously though, I could be saving a lot of money on clothes if these were the "in-style" two summers ago!


Anonymous said...

oh dear. we named our blogs the same at approximately the same time-ok, you were first.

Jocelyn said...

What can I say great minds think a like. I may have to lurk on the other "Je Blague" soon!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

oooh great looking! I am all for the third trimester wear, in particular.

Jocelyn said...

Third trimester does look comfy doesn't it! By the way I love your blog!