Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stress Reliever

Ok, so here it goes....

With working, packing (still haven't filled a box but have gone through and purged items), coordinating, and all the other logistics in my life, my stress level is though the roof. I brought Marley home from daycare yesterday and we usually play outside but it has been really hot and muggy and I simply was not in the mood.

With a small tantrum we came inside and I brought out all the puzzles. Marley was not interested, it's summer she doesn't care about the heat, she wanted to be outside. Sorry but Mommy is not giving in this I thought.

I was busy with something and Marley was climbing up the walls, then she started running around the coffee table in her toddler Cro-Magnon way. I stopped what I was doing and joined her, mimicking every move. After two laps we were both on the floor in a fit of hysterical laughter. When the laughter subsided we did it three more times.

It reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon that I read years ago. The punch line was "if you can't beat 'em join 'em"... and so I did.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Please don't come back from the moon: My review, my perspective

As you can see with all the latest blog entries, I am procrastinating on the packing. I truly would love to have my mind on something less mundane .

I finished the book please don't come back from the moon by Dean Bakopoulos last night. It was short and it was good. I can't say that I will be enthusiastically handing it over to someone else tomorrow either. In fact I'm wondering whether or not to donate it so I don't have to pack it!

The story line is about Michael a boy from Maple Rock, Michigan a suburb of Detroit. A depression hit and many Father's simply left their homes, their wives and their children. One Father left a note stating that he "went to the moon". Michael's Father left when he was a teenager, he watched his Father climb into a car, both with an understanding on both their faces and his Father was simply gone, never to be seen again. The book trails Michael's life through the rest of his teenage years and entering his late 20's early 30's always with an emptiness in his heart. At the end he has a wife a stepson and a daughter, lots of questions and yearnings and not a lot of trust in himself. He's content but not happy.

This book, although melancholy, was very well written. I think the line that struck me most was the very last line of the book:

"Like an eye, the moon follows us wherever we go".

When my Grandmother passed away last month I felt that she was watching me. I made sure I didn't say the word "got" unless it was grammatically correct. I cringed when I wore my blue jeans and I went through all the letters she ever sent me kissing each one. She is a beautiful woman and I know she is still out there watching over me quit possibly from the moon.

Marley update

So here I am blogging instead of frantically trying to coordinate and organize this impending move. I truly thought I would have no time to blog but here I am! Actually I am at work, it's slow and I have just about done everything that I can do to make sure the transition goes smoothly. And anyways, what are they gonna do if they find me blogging, fire me, HA!

Marley has become quit the little girl these days. She went through a phase recently where she was OBSESSED with her belly button. That obsession had subsided... until yesterday when one of her teachers caught her offering her belly button a sip of water from her sippy cup. She also likes to share her sippy cups with her stuffed animals too. Belly buttons, stuffed animals they are both adorable and need tending to, right!?

Marley's vocabulary is growing. She has quite a list going these days. She says "bubble", "turtle", "all done", "more", "nana" (which interchanges with my Mother and a banana), "Mama and Papa" for Grandma and Grandpa, and last but not least there is "apple sauce". Not surprising that it's her favorite word but also her favorite food! If she sees something she doesn't know what it is, she simply calls it "apple sauce", it too is interchangeable.

Then there are her animals. Marley's favorite are two stuffed animal beagles and the real ones too! She also has a little Lamb which she calls "BA" (yes that loudly) and recently another stuffed dog that follows commands. Marley is constantly telling the new dog "DOWN" (yes that loudly). As far as calling the animals by their given identities she'd rather not. She's working on saying "dog" but would much rather bark and she'd much rather meow for a kitten, moo for a cow and so on. Just don't ask her what the dragon says, it's quite frightening when she lets out a big "RAH" and bares her teeth and claws.

Motherhood is better than I would have ever imagined. Watching her grow and discover the world and her capabilities simply astounds me. Her daycare had their first "water day" a couple of weeks ago, I was so excited for Marley knowing how much she loves the water. When I picked her up her teachers told me that out of all the kids Marley had the most fun, I wasn't surprised. So now when people ask me how Marley is doing, I tell them that she knows how to have the most fun!

.... Even with a pile of dirt that she played pretend shampoo. This dirt stuck to the scalp and after four real shampoo's still did not get it all out...but I won't go there because she had the most fun putting it there!

My first Meme

I stole this from my good friend Viking Zen.

One Word Meme

1. Where is your mobile phone? Purse.
2. Relationship? Enriching.
3. Your hair? Brown.
4. Work? Tedious.
5. Your sister(s)? Awesome!
6. Your favorite thing? Coffee mug.
7. Your dream last night? Frustrating.
8. Your favorite drink? Coffee.
9. Your dream car? Elephant.
10. The room you're in? Office.
11. Your shoes? Sandals.
12. Your fears? Abandonment.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Marley.
15. What are you not good at? Anorexia.
16. Muffin? Banana Nut.
17. Wish list item? Vacation.
18. Where you grow up? Earth.
19. The last thing you did? Breakfast.
20. What are you wearing? Shorts.
21. What are you not wearing? Sombrero.
22. Your pet? Double.
23. Your computer? On.
24. Your life? Hectic.
25. Your mood? Optomistic.
26. Missing? Earring.
27. What are you thinking about? Moving.
28. Your car? Jeep.
29. Your kitchen? Functional.
30. Your summer? Splendid.
31. Your favorite color? Red.
32. Last time you laughed? Today.
33. Last time you cried? Weeks.
34. School? Pending.
35. Love? Fabulous.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm still here

Moving is not fun and I haven't even packed a box yet. That process will begin this weekend. The good news is I have a place to live, a job and I have secured a daycare for Marley.

Marley and I saw several daycares last Friday and it does pay off to walk into these places. I had 6 places to see on my list but only made it to 3 because I kept getting lost. I know, I know, I should never seek a career as a Captain of a ship. I feel with all the research I have done I chose well. The first place we saw was great and is in fact the place that I have chosen for Marley. The director and the teachers were fabulous, they truly care about the children. The second place I saw was horrible. It was huge and it felt like a factory for kids. The director didn't let me ask any questions. We did see the class where Marley would be placed and the kids were screaming, a few were crying and the teachers were chatting in the corner. I ran not walked out of that place. The third place would be great except it's in a bad area of town and Marley would be the only white kid. Color doesn't bother me what so ever but it would be awkward. Even though it's the 21st Century this still is the south.

Although I would love to clone Marley's current daycare, I feel I have made an excellent decision for her. I really don't want to uproot her and put her in another daycare again. Although I will if she's not happy.

I am going to give my notice at work today. I always hate resigning from a job. It feels like I am breaking up with someone which is never a good feeling. I am also telling Marley's daycare today too........sigh................

It's all a little bitter sweet. I am excited about the new town, the new people I will meet but I will miss the house and the life I have built here. Being a diplomats kid you'd think I would be used to saying goodbye but it's never been easy.

That's my life in a nutshell for the time being. I will try and blog as much as I can but realistically it won't be as much as I would like to.

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Book Club

I joined a book club last summer mainly to recondition my "Mommy Brain" back to a state of thoughts that did not involve routines, diaper changes and the trials and triumphs of breast feeding. Sadly I have not been able to attend that many, there has always been a conflict, despite the fact I truly am a homebody. The meetings I have attended have been fabulous, the book club has a great group of smart ladies. Some of the books on the other hand have been down right awful.

The two I do not recommend are "Marley and Me" by John Grogan. It's a cute story but in our book club session we couldn't find anything to talk about, as far as the book goes. It was given a unanimous two thumbs down by the whole group. Another book was "Best Friends" by Martha Moody. Another two thumbs down and very little discussion about the book during the meeting.

My favorite book so far was "Sunflower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See. What a fantastic book, I could not stop thinking about it for weeks after I finished. Lily and Snow Flower are best friends and you see their friendship and lives develop and change during 19th century China. This book does not leave out any details about female bonds, foot binding and how stifling it was for Chinese women during that time. Needless to say it was given a two thumbs up from everyone in the book club. The meeting lasted a lot longer than normal and the only discussion was about the book.

We are now on the last book of the list which is "Please Don't Come Back From the Moon" by Dean Bakopoulos. One member of the book club has read it and has already given it a thumbs down. I haven't even opened it yet, so we shall see.

We voted on the next list and here it is:

1. The Road - Cormac Macarthy

2. The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Settterfield

3. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert

4. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

5. Stolen Lives - Malika Oufkir

6. The Raw Shark Texts - Steven Hall

I am proud to say that my suggestion is number 5! I am very intrigued with number 4. He is also the author of "The Kite Runner" a book that I have read and heard wonderful things. We will see about the others.

Sadly, I will have to leave my book club due to the imminent move but I have the list, friends from the book club and hopefully will find another that is just as fabulous.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Words of Wisdom -Times Two!

A Baptist Church somewhere in North Carolina:

"Don't Give Up! Moses was once a Basket Case"

And my favorite Baptist Church that I pass everyday:

"May I suggest a good book for your summer reading?"
~ God

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

This forgotten Blog. Life has been crazy there is just too much going on! The one thing about living at the beach is visitors. My Mother came down the weekend before Mother's Day, my Mother-in-law was here the weekend after Mother's Day and my sister is visiting again, this time for 10 days. My brother-in-law is coming with his wife next weekend. So if anybody else would like to make reservations at Casa Marley it must be done soon, July 31 is our last day in the house and the month of July will be spent packing/organizing/pulling our hair out, etc. Although we will still be living at the beach, just a different one, so reservations can be made at the "new" beach beginning August 15th.

What a whirlwind of a weekend! Friday I secured a job, a place to live and saw a new "Words of Wisdom" it's the best yet and will be posted before the weeks end. Saturday, Marley and I went to the beach. The weather was gorgeous and hot but I could not convince her to get her feet wet. I can't really blame her, the water is freezing!

Marley is entering a hording phase. She must sleep with as many stuffed animals and toys that can fit in her crib, still allowing room for her to lay down. At the beach she MUST carry, her sand shovel, various toys, a sippy cup and pick up every single seashell (broken or not). Oh and Mom can not help her carry a single item, she must do this herself. Inevitably she dropped most of the items along the way, even the sippy cup that landed in the ocean and was rescued by a brave swimmer. I was allowed to carry the sippy cup after that incident.

Sunday morning was spent cooking various meals for Marley, in an attempt to get veggies inside of her. Among the hording phase, she has also decided that nothing suits her palette unless it is cheese, bananas or peanut butter. Thankfully, she did not turn up her nose to the broccoli, chicken, cheddar nuggets I made.

Sunday evening Marley went to a babysitter for the first time. The babysitter was one of the teachers at her daycare, someone Marley knew, but it was still a little traumatizing for Mom and Dad. For four hours I got to be the old me. It felt great, the trauma of dropping her off at a babysitter wore off very quickly! We had tickets to see Government Mule play in an outdoor setting. It was wonderful, it was fabulous and the weather could not have been more perfect. I picked Marley up from the babysitter at 9 p.m. and she slept until 8:30 the next morning. I could not have asked for a better scenario than that.

Monday was yet another gorgeous day so Marley and I had to go to the beach again. This time Mom remembered to bring a bucket for all the seashells, toys and sand shovel. Marley was yet again apprehensive about the waves. I still could not blame her too much the water was freezing. I did decide that she needed to get her feet wet (literally, ha ha). I started kicking, skipping and splashing in the water, Marley enjoyed watching me but she insisted on staying in the dry sand...until we found a tidal pool. That was it Marley found heaven. She jumped, skipped, splashed and then found the courage to try out the waves. The rest of the time at the beach was spent chasing Marley who was literally trying to drown herself. No more resting quietly on the beach for Mom. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to show her how much fun the waves can be after all.

Being a relatively new Mom, I see the world very differently than I did before. There is a sense of pride and sheer happiness when your child is bringing joy to strangers who are merely observing your child exploring and at play. What surprised me the two times at the beach this past weekend was the fact that it was not the "Grandmother" types that were cooing over her, it was late teens/early twenties boys! There was one in particular that was playing in the surf on his skim board that stopped to watch Marley. He had a silly grin on his face and I thought to myself what a great Dad this guy is going to make someday.

Happy belated Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The end of another era

If Mississippi wore her New Jersey what would Delaware?

My Grandmother would always repeat that when I was a child.

My Grandmother passed away yesterday morning, she was 96. She led such a beautiful life and I am going to miss her so much. She was such an inspiration to me and such an influence in my life. I am so lucky to have had her as my Grandmother.

I have no doubt that I will be blogging about her a lot in the weeks to come. She was truly an amazing woman.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Celebration of Life

My Mother has a farm in a valley nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. This valley has remarkably been left untouched by the urban sprawl that surrounds it. I have fond memories of this valley, it's always been home, a place we would return to after all of our overseas travels.

I spent a portion of my childhood there. It's where I learned how to ride horses, my bike, play tennis and build forts in the woods. It's a mystical place where the aromas of spring envelop each hill, where the haze of summer give the mountains a mystical feel, the bold colors of fall feel as though you have entered a painting and the snow of winter blankets the mountains with a soft and quiet touch.

There have been a lot neighbors that have come and gone through the years but there have been a few that have made the valley their permanent home and a comforting and familiar place for me to return. As you enter the valley there is a little red house on the right where Ol' Mr. Dawson lives. You would see him every day working in his garden or simply sitting on his porch, his cane by his side. Mr. Dawson passed away several years ago and was replaced by his son who is now older in years and just like his Father works in his garden every summer and is seen sitting in his porch with his cane. As you make your way down the windy country road you will find a cemetary with headstones of the people that have given this valley it's history. Oh the stories I wish they could tell! Keep going and about a mile later you will come to my Mom's farm a gorgeous place that I wish everyone could visit. Further down you will come to a "T" interesection where three sisters live. Their family has lived in this house for many generations and are very dear to my heart. These are just a few that make this valley rich with wonderful memories and give it the uniqueness and charm that simply does not exist elsewhere.

Across the road from my Mother's, there is another farm where the family has lived for two generations now. It's a farm, fully equipped with grapevines, a pond and a tennis court and where I learned to play tennis. I have fond memories of Heirloom. Which brings me to the story of Charlie.

Charlie is a fabulous musician. An eccentric man who is a truly gifted artist. He has such a love for life, his music, truly loves the people that have come in and out of his life over the years. I feel truly lucky to have had him as my neighbor as a child and a friend now that I am an adult.

I saw Charlie last August. I was visiting my Mother and decided I needed a Charlie fix. Charlie and I had a good chat and as usual the time flew. When I was getting ready to leave he handed me a couple of cd's of his music. I have thoroughly enjoyed and treasure these cds.

I'm sad to say that Charlie passed away last Thursday which leaves my heart heavy today. I never e-mailed him to tell him how much I enjoy his music. Truly my loss.

Today is his 53rd birthday. Happy birthday Charlie and to your twin brother Jim. To everyone who was more fortunate than I to be an everyday companion to Charlie, I'd like to say my thoughts and prayers are nowhere else but with you today.

Here's one of Charlie's songs for you to enjoy

I'll SeeYou Again
So many years are passing right before my eyes
So many roads I might have taken
But the rides been a good one living it day to day
Of all the good things
I'm glad you came my way
I trusted you and
you never let me down and
it's lovely
you turned my life around
I'll see you again
I know where I'm going and
I know where I've been
Today or tomorrow
Good times and sorrow
I'll see you again
A river rushes through the canyon
slows into the wild
Almost still it seems so peaceful
But the power in the journey
Makes it deeper atthe end
Never thought I'd make it
I'm glad you've been my friend

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Words of Wisdom

This is the same Baptist Church that I pass everyday taking Marley to daycare. They haven't had anything funny lately, I've been a little disappointed because I truly enjoy the giggles. So here you go....

"Don't make me come down there" ~ God

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Marley the next Houdini or a Circus Clown

Marley is quit a toddler these days. I read that children really reach the "terrible twos" at 18 months and so far I see what they mean. Lucky for me she has not had too many tantrums but she is a strong willed child. Life has become interesting between discipline and trying to supress the urge to burst out laughing.

Stunt #1: The dryer. Our laundry room is around the corner from the kitchen. Our dryer is a front loader. I was doing the dishes and saw Marley go into the laundry room. I had the Motherly instinct saying she's up to something... so I peeked around the corner and what did I see? Nothing, absolutely nothing and that nothing included Marley. It took me a moment when I realized she was in the dryer, with the door shut. When I opened the door to get her out she squealed with delight that I had found her.

Stunt#2: We have a tall end table between the sofa and the wall. I was in the kitchen again, this time trying to make her dinner. I looked over and she had climbed onto the table, was standing on it and did a belly flop onto the sofa. Again, she squealed with delight and started climbing back onto the side table. Again another big no, no. I went over to grab her off the table and right before I could get her she tried her belly flop again, this time she missed. Half of her hit the sofa and the other half rolled onto the floor. I panicked a little and picked her up. She was fine, in fact she was laughing and wanted to do it again.

This child is giving me gray hairs.....

Friday, April 27, 2007

Spring/Summer Fashions

Spring time can be a little tricky. I'm never sure what to wear. One day it's rainy and in the 50's the next it's sunny, humid and in the 80's. My closet is a mess! I have t-shirts mixed in with my cashmere.

I'm realizing that I need to go shopping. I literally do not have any clothes to wear to work! Last summer I did not work, I was home with Marley. My wardrobe consisted of shorts and t-shirts. The summer before that I was pregnant, my wardrobe consisted of maternity clothes. Which brings me to this years fashions. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that this years trend may make the maternity stores go out of business?

Here's a preview appropriately labeled:

First Trimester
Second Trimester Third trimester

Seriously though, I could be saving a lot of money on clothes if these were the "in-style" two summers ago!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Welcome spring time and the stomach flu!

It's spring here and the weather is simply gorgeous! I have been itching to take off my shoes and walk the beach, feeling the warm sand in between my toes. I had this weekend packed full of fun outdoor activities with Marley, then she got sick.

I need to back track a little. For the last couple of weeks Marley has been defiant about going to bed. Naps on the weekends have been lasting a total of 20 minutes before she would start screaming again. I looked through all my parenting books, checked and even logged into Yahoo Answers to find out what to do. I tried staying with her until she fell asleep but each time she would wake up and find me not there, the whole thing would start over. I tried the crying out method, checking on her every ten minutes. It would take two hours for her to finally settle down. I even broke down and let her fall asleep on the couch while hubby and I went on with our evening. Friday night, I decided we needed to be consistant and I opted for the crying out method. Well, in the midst of the ten minute intervals Marley had thrown up all over her crib, on the carpet and the walls of her room. Boy did I feel GUILTY. When I went in to check on her she was at the opposite end of her crib, screaming. She saw me, then pointed at the vomit and said "oops". That was it, I looked at hubby and said "the crying out method is no longer an option, I'm back at square one". After we gave Marley a bath, cleaned her room, I put her back in her crib and left the door to her room open and she was out in five minutes. Granted she was exhausted but I finally realized that she simply did not want the door to her room closed, she didn't want to feel secluded. Nap time and bed time have been a joy since. I've been slapping my forhead for the last few days saying "duh" to myself. How flippin' simple!

The Friday night episode turned out to be a horrible stomach flu that lasted five days. Poor Marley couldn't keep anything down on Saturday except for Pedialyte. Sunday she would not drink anything and slept all day. This worried me, so we went to the ER. Thankfully her CO2 levels were good but they gave her fluids anyway. It turned out, not surpising of course, she caught this nasty bug at daycare. It wiped out most of the kids at daycare as well as the owner. As the note on the front door said "...thankfully, we are at the tail end of the stomach flu and look at the bright side, at least the kids are sharing". I'm only now starting to see the humor in that statement.

Being home with Marley for five days straight gave me some time to do one of my favorite "time wasters", surfing the internet. I came across a wonderful blog called "A Reluctant Mother". She is a stay at home Mom with two strong willed girls. I am really enjoying the reading. She has fabulous tips, she doesn't sugar coat the trials of being a stay at home Mom either and I find myself bursting with laughter at some of the stories. I had to link her blog to mine.

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I must write about Tech

I named this blog "Je Blague" because it is a way of getting away from the stresses of life or seeing the humor in the stresses of life but I am going to take a break from that and write my thoughts about the horror that happened in my home State on Monday.

I want to start by saying that yes I do know people that attended the school, one who's professor is one of the victims. As I mourn, I know my heartache can not even compare to those who are closer to the campus and the people affected.

I am enraged with NBC for airing the videos of Cho. Mainly for their reasoning. I qoute from Matt Lauer from the Today show"

"And, to be honest, there are some very big differences of opinion here within the news division as to whether we should be airing this at all. But we have made this decision because by showing some of this material, perhaps it will help us understand or answer the question -- Why? Why did this happen?"

Why did this happen?! What I would like to understand is what was going through Cho's mind, what led up to this massacre? How did this happen?

The videos, which upset the family and friends of the victms DID NOT answer this question. The question still remains. In my opinion this confirms my belief that this country has turned into reality TV. Why show it? Yes, I want to understand why he did it but I feel qoutes from the tapes and experts deciphering the tapes would have been much more informative than all this sensationalism.

I must also mention that I read an article that NBC's rating were at an all time low due to American Idol and various other shows on other networks. I truly believe the airing of these tapes were purely selfish, money grubbing reasons. It's simply sick.

Voila! That's it. I had to get that out. I promise to post something light and humerous soon.

I'm at work and...

...very,very bored. I am the customer service and marketing rep for a local mortgage company and business is very slow this week. I really should be balancing my check book, organizing my day planner, you know doing something constructive. Instead, I'm surfing the internet and making up excuses to avoid productivity today. Then my boss, who is also bored, sends me this test:

My advice, read each question carefully, then re-read it before you answer. According to this test, I have "a bitchin' love life" and my life will "take a sudden turn for good in the next 2 weeks". Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket this week.

Happy Thursday!

Ok, ok, off I go to do something productive. If I must.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Marley has a what!!!!

Yes, Marley has a boyfriend. He's a cutie too with blond hair and blue eyes. She met him at daycare.

Last week Marley was reading a book and this little boy walked up to her and tried to take it away. She refused and then taunted him with it and made him cry. On Monday she took him by the hand and led him around the classroom, I believe they did about 5 laps. When Marley had enough she let go of his hand but he kept on following her. Yesterday, Marley was sitting on one of the teachers laps. This little boy came over and sat on the lap as well and put his arm around Marley and Marley put her head on his shoulder.

She's not even two yet and Daddy's biggest fear is becoming reality. At least she knows how to call the shots!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I love weekends

I love weekends. Marley slept until 7:30 this morning a true treat for me. I took her into the single bed and we just laid there yawning and rubbing our eyes and snuggling. We love to snuggle! Marley peeped out the window that is next to the single bed and said "tweet, tweet". It's raining, and I did not see a bird in sight. Oh well, she enjoys looking out the window into the back yard where she loves to play.

The forecast says rain and wind for the day. I'm elated. I have been so busy and now I have an excuse not to leave the house all day. Usually I'd be griping but today is a much needed day for rest and relaxation. I'll read more of my book, do a couple loads of laundry and Marley and I will immerse ourselves in a few crafty projects.

It's going to be a beautiful day despite the fact we are under a tornado watch until mid afternoon. Yikes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why I'm not black

My Father was a diplomat. I had the pleasure growing up mainly overseas. The first six years of my life were in Africa. I was born in Nairobi although my parents were stationed in Burundi. From what I understand the hospital in Bujumbura was infested with rats. Being a new Mother myself I can understand why my Mother moved to Nairobi the last 2 weeks of her pregnancy. The Dr. did not make it to my delivery, so I was delivered by two Kikuyu nurses who had no problems with, literally, tossing me around the room as if I were a football. My Father watched in horror and tried to say something but was quickly interrupted by one of the nurses, who sharply gave her opinion of men in the labor room who were not in the medical profession. It was something like "new Father's should be seen but not heard".


When I was 3 and 1/2 we moved to Algeria. We lived in a beautiful house in the center of Algeirs. My brother and I were not allowed to wander the streets, it was far too dangerous. Thankfully, I did have a friend who used to come over and play frequently. Her Father was a diplomat too, he was a Kenyan diplomat. One day I looked at my Mother and said "Hudja was born in Nairobi and I was born in Nairobi, so why is she black and I'm not?".


We moved back to the U.S. when I was almost 7 years old. We moved to a small town about an hour away from Washington D.C. This was my first experience with culture shock. My parents put me in the second grade in the American public school system. Boy, did I NOT fit in. I remember trying to make friends with one of the girls in my class. She reminded me of Hudja whom I missed. I quickly realized during the first week of school, she was not in anyway like my Kenyan friend Hudja. I'll never forget the day she called me an "African dog". And that was supposed to be an insult? I didn't get it, I still don't.


Years later, I moved back to the US, this time from Paris, France. I was 19 years old and a little savvier than when I was 7. I moved back to the same town. Although I did not experience culture shock to the same intensity as the first move back to the US, it was still quit an adjustment. I felt a little like Rip van Winkle. I missed out on popular television series', there was a bit of a language barrier as well. I asked someone to pass me the hoe and couldn't understand why she started laughing. I was simply asking for a garden tool. She was nice enough to explain that there is a slang term ho, that is used for a loose woman. Oh! now I saw the humor...sort of.

While I was attending a local Community College I had a revelation. I was sitting at a table in the student lounge studying with an African American friend named Paul. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "I'm more African American than you are". He looked at me like I was nuts and said "What?". I repeated my statement and then said "I was born in Africa". I went back to studying while Paul was trying to regroup from his laughing fit.

During the same time frame my Father was sent to the Congo. He called one late November night, to simply say hello. It dawned on me that my Father was going to be all alone for the Holidays. So I made him a deal. I told him if he paid for the trip, I'd go. Less than a month later I was on a plane headed for the heart of Africa. The trip was fabulous, I will blog more stories at another time. The one aspect about being back in Africa was that I was made very aware that I was not black (although I was born in Nairobi). I was confined to the house or the pool at a local hotel. I was desparate to walk the streets, take in the culture but it simply was not safe. There had been some fighting, as it turns out I was there for the beginning of their civil war. Knowing I was bored, my Father told me that there was a man at the Embassy who's daughter was also visiting and would I like to meet her? I jumped at the opportunity. We went to lunch one day. She was attending a University near Washington D.C., she was my age and we found a lot of things to talk about. She asked me what I had seen or done while in Brazzaville. I told her I had not done much, I was not allowed to go outside by myself, that I was told it was not safe. It turned out that she had been all over the city and BY HERSELF! How could this be? Why was she allowed and I was not? Then it hit me, I looked at her again to confirm and realized she looked a lot like Hudja and that is why she was able to wonder the streets of Brazzaville.


So, I'm not black but I am African American, so to speak. Not much offends me but I do realize that words can hurt. Would a certain someone still have all his sponsers if he had used the words, "diaper* headed garden tool"?

*nappy being a British term for diaper

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Crazy weather and Easter

Happy Easter everyone! I have to start this blog by griping about the weather. Last Monday it was HOT. H*O*T, hot. Did I dress appropriately, no, did I dress Marley appropriately, no. It hit 85 degrees and they were calling for mid 70's. One little boy at daycare had a flannel shirt on! The teachers did take it off, so he was sporting a bare chest with suspenders and his coveted gold necklace (yes, I know, why does a toddler have a gold me). Anyway, it was quit a sight!

Today was a different story. We went to an egg hunt at the Elizabethan Gardens. It was COLD, I'm talking C*O*L*D, cold. I think it hit a max of 40 degrees today and yes I saw snow flakes. The wind was whipping making the temperature feel in the 20's. From what I heard there has not been a snowflake that has fallen out of the sky in April here since 1963. Marley was dressed appropriately resembling the little boy from "A Christmas Story" although she could move and even run.

There's my gripe and now onto who, but of course Marley.

Marley has discovered that loves Easter. Not that she has any idea what it is about but she loves the baskets and the colorful plastic eggs and the stickers we have used to decorate the plastic eggs. She MUST carry this basket of eggs every where she goes.

I had Good Friday off from work, the same day they were doing the egg hunt at daycare. We had to go! They had little buckets with all the toddlers names on them and the eggs strategically placed on the playground. Marley found eight. She loves them, she spent the afternoon taking them out of her purple bucket and putting them back in. After dinner I had to reenact the egg hunt, while she was eating dinner, I hid them around the living room. After dinner, the hunt began. She found them all with a little help and all eight were placed back in her basket. Then the Mother's nightmare happened. She discovered she could open them and how wonderful the contents were. Before I knew it she had bitten into a green jelly bean. Her eyes grew wide and a glistening stream of green drool dribbled down her chin. She had found heaven! Well, until Mama decided to gather all the eggs and empty the contents before she discovered the sugary delights were in all the plastic eggs. The last thing Mama needed was an 18 month old on a sugar high.

The egg hunt at the Elizabethan Gardens was nice. The older kids had a fabulous time collecting all the eggs and not leaving many for the toddlers. Oh well...Marley did find two and thankfully they only contained stickers.

Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Oh what a day!

I had such an amazing day yesterday! The weather has been intoxicating. Spring has sprung here in the south. Spring time is my favorite time of year. My whole world comes back to life. The flowers are pushing through the ground and the trees are beginning to bud. The rebirth of nature rejuvinates my soul.

We went to a 7 year olds birthday party yesterday. Her parents made a big deal out of it too with a moon bounce and pony rides. Since the weather was warm I was able to dress Marley in a beautiful spring dress finished with cute sandals. She looked adorable! Being a 7 year olds party Marley was the youngest but it didn't stop her from trying to be a big kid! She did her best to climb into the moon bounce. She was determined! Hubby and I had to save her a few times from the rambunctious big kids. Then Marley's dream came true, the big kids cleared out and lined up for the pony rides and the moon bounce was empty! Marley and I took off our sandals and climbed in. I have never seen my daughter have so much fun! I'd forgotten how much fun a moon bounce can be! Marley and I had a blast jumping, laughing squeeling, you name it! It was great being a kid again myself.


A few nights ago a neighbor and friend of mine stopped by and told me about a band that was going to be playing at a local restaurant. It was for a charity benefit so it started early and ended earlier than most bands normally would. Since I became a Mother, I don't go out as often as I used to. I jumped at the chance to see live music and have some adult fun.

The band is called The Screaming Orphans. I was a little afraid that they were going to be an angry chick band, thankfully they were not. The band consists of 4 sisters, Joanne, Grainne, Angela and Marie Therese Diver. Originally from Donegal, Ireland and unfortunately, to my understanding, orphans.

I almost forgot how much I love live music! This band evoked so much emotion, so much awe and envy of their talent. Their range of instruments, vocals and music repertoire. They played music from Dolly Parton, Hank, Jr, Johnny Cash, ABBA, their own songs and quit a few Irish jigs. The lead singer is also the drummer. I do not play a musical instrument, I learned at an early age that I inherited my Father's keen lack of rhythm. Watching her play made me feel like I need to practice rubbing my belly while patting my head. This band is a MUST see!

Yesterday was an amazing day. I came home at midnight and fell into bed. Thankfully Marley slept until 7:30 but I am on a third cup of coffee.....

Monday, March 19, 2007


Another Baptist Church:

The Big Bang Theory? God Spoke and bang it happened.

Up for a debate anyone?


I have an addiction. It's called Yahoo Answers!. It's a fabulous community. It's been the answer to all my prayers. All you have to do is ask and you shall receive. I'm mostly in the Parenting section I also wander over to the Politics section and it's always a great debate. I recently bought a used Jeep and had a million questions, so I wandered over to the Jeep section. And then there is the Travel section. Having lived many different places in my life, I feel I have some expertise in the Colorado and Paris section.

I was looking over the travel section the other day and came across a question that I still think about. The question was "How can travel change the ideas of living". My response was:

Travelling opens your eyes and mind to other cultures. When you can see a different perspective you will be more open minded and start thinking about your choices in life differently.

It was voted as best answer. I got 10 points. Ok, I cheated, I saw that the question was put to vote so I voted for my own answer and was the only one that voted.

Anyway, it's hard to answer this question in just 3 sentences. It's hard to answer this question for someone who has never experienced travel or living in another country, there's just so much more that words can not tell.

I grew up overseas and didn't know any different. So my question is "How can growing up in one place change the ideas of living?". It's all about perspective, hence my title.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Southernisms Chinese Style

I haven't seen any good signs in the last couple of weeks but did run across this last night as hubby and I were ordering Chinese food. I can't believe I never noticed it before on our take out menu! By the way it's a great restaurant!

The short version:

CHINA KING: Chinese Restaurant To Take Out.
Next to Nations Merioaland Close to K-Mark-Welcome to Party Order & Banquet.

They are referring to The Wright Brother's National Memorial, which in fact is not located in Kitty Hawk but Kill Devil Hills ( now thar ya dun lurned somtin').

The the kicker was: We put pupu in your platter! (Ok I confess, it was not on the menu I made that one up as I was giggling).

Monday, March 05, 2007

Last weekend

On Thursday, Marley and I headed to Virginia with my sister to visit the Grandmothers and to pick up a new/used vehicle for me. It was an exhausting visit. Nana's house is NOT babyproof with the exposed outlets and valuable trinkets strategically placed all over the house. Besides the fact that Marley was wide eyed and to all the untouchables it was a good visit.

We were able to spend a few hours with hubby's Mom, aka Grandma, on Saturday. Grandma wanted to go toy shopping and spoil her Granddaughter. We found a Kmart and headed straight to the toy section. Grandma picked out an Elmo doll and handed it to Marley. Of course Marley fell in love with it and we knew it was going to be placed in the cart. This particular Elmo doll teaches children to dress and undress, which is Marley's favorite past time these days. Here's a link. (I'd make it pretty on my blog but I am not yet so computer savvy)

This doll got my approval until the next day.

The next morning, I took Elmo out of all of his packaging and handed him to my wide eyed toddler. She unzipped Elmo's jacket and Elmo says "Is it hot in here or is it just Elmo". Nana and I stopped and looked at this so seemingly innocent toy and burst out laughing. Seriously what is he trying to teach my daughter?!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Speaking of Marley

Toddlers are so much fun!!!!! The tiniest little things just make them laugh hysterically. They are learning so many things and still mastering so many objects like a zipper.

They informed me at daycare today that not only has Marley mastered the zipper on her sweater but she has also learned how to take off her clothes. I had a feeling, she spent a good portion of the weekend zipping and unzipping. I only wish I could have seen her stripping in the middle of the daycare center then running around naked while the teachers were chasing her trying to put her clothes back on her. Oh the FREEDOM!


I don't seem to be travelling as much these days with it being winter and the fact that winter also took me from being a stay at home Mom to being in the work force again. I pass only one church each day as I take Marley to daycare. This Baptist church is quit clever the majority of the time and I also feel that winter has not brought very many worshipers. So the Southernism is......

"Calling all Men, Women and Children to sit in slightly used pews"

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why I don't wear skirts

If you don't live in the north east, like me, all you have to do is turn on the news to see the havoc the blizzard is reaking. It takes me back to the time hubby and I lived in high country of Colorado.

When we first married we decided to move to Colorado. I'd never been so we decided to take a vacation there for me to see it. I was hooked immediatly! Although I spent all my teen years in Paris, France I love the great outdoors. Give me a tent, some food, a good book or two and a beautiful lake and I could stay for a week. I also love to ski, so without hesitation we began the plans to move to the high country of Colorado.

The one thing I did not anticipate were the long winters, nine months to be exact. We bought a house that sat at 11,600 feet and our commute to work was over a mountain pass with a lot of switch backs. The first winter proved to be interesting but I was up for the challenge. I had never driven in the snow before and all the locals convinced me that I should buy a car with 4-wheel drive and a manual transmission. I'd also never driven a stick before. Thankfully I mastered the stick before the snow started flying.

I have many, many stories of my adventures with the house at 11,600 and our commute over the mountain pass. I will only tell this one for now, hence the title to this blog.

It was April, Easter weekend to be exact. I had a bridal shower to go to and I had to travel over the mountain pass. It was a beautiful morning, unseasonably warm (about 50 degrees) for a high country April morning. I decided to dress up for this bridal shower. I had a skirt that I hadn't worn yet so I was quite excited to get all dolled up and feel like a girl. I dressed, drove over the pass and had a fabulous time at the bridal shower. When it was time to leave, I walked outside to find 3 feet of heavy, wet spring snow lying on the ground. In the 3 hours of the bridal shower it had snowed 3 feet! I could barely walk to my car because of my cute, no traction shoes that I was wearing. I found my snow boots in my car and promptly changed my shoes, then proceeded to brush off my whole car.

I had to go to the grocery store as well. It was Easter weekend and we were having friends and neighbors over the next day. I drove to the grocery store and while I was shopping I overheard an employee apologizing that he was late for work. He said that the pass was a mess, there were cars spinning out and in ditches everywhere. I walked up to him and told him I had to drive home over the pass, did he think I was going to make it. He said yes as long as I had 4-wheel drive and drove slowly.

I finished my grocery shopping, walked out to my car and had to brush off about another foot of wet, heavy spring snow and began my journey home. I was in a long line of cars that were behind a snow plow, slowly ascending the pass. As we were approaching the summit the line of cars stopped for a brief moment when the traffic started moving again the car in front of me started spinning tires. It was a 4-wheel drive vehicle that was not engaged in 4-wheel drive! Idiots! and yes their tags were from out of state. They started sliding backwards, there was a cliff right next to me so I had to think quickly. I maneuvered around them barely missing on coming traffic. Thankfully, they found the momentum to move forward. I reached the summit and began to descend, again very slowly and behind a long line of cars. As I was descending it must have snowed at least another foot and all the new snow that accumulated on the roof of my car slid onto my windshield. I couldn't see! I couldn't tell where I could even pull over to get the snow off of my car! So, I rolled down my window and stuck my head out to see the car in front of me. I finally made it to the bottom of the pass and pulled over. I got out to clean off my windshield in approximately 4-5 feet of snow. Do you have any idea how cold snow is when you are wearing a skirt?! I was cursing the whole time I was cleaning off the windshield. Thankfully I made it home, unloaded the groceries and poured my self a glass of wine vowing that I would never wear a skirt again.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

I guess I'm feeling a little guilty (although I'm still gritting my teeth) about my last entry. It is Valentine's Day, so here are a few quotes:

Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.
Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown in "Peanuts"US cartoonist (1922 - 2000)

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

The best proof of love is trust."
-Joyce Brothers

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

Smooch, smooch.

Mr. Mom

Hubby was laid off from his job at the end of last year. As devastating as it felt then things are much better now. He will be going back to work in a couple of weeks and we are also contemplating a move as well.

How has Hubby been doing these past several weeks? Well, it been kind of interesting for me. He goes to the grocery store, cleans the house and has dinner prepared. I know, I know, you think I'm spoiled, right? Well, think again.

When we decided to cohabit many years ago we set a ground rule. I won't touch your laundry if you don't touch mine. This was after a cashmere sweater of mine ended up on the regular cycle in hot water then the dryer. I'm not even sure my Barbie doll from my youth would have been able to wear it. I decided to do laundry one day and put his t-shirts in the dryer. Although the t-shirts were not ruined he preferred that they be hung dry. So fair enough I do my laundry and you do yours.

As the years have gone by the rule is still in effect but I have the chore of all the household laundry and Marley's as well. No big deal, I'd rather do it then have the cashmere sweater incident again. All has gone well until yesterday. Hubby decided that he would "help" with the household laundry. The fabric shower curtain in the guest bathroom had not been cleaned in awhile (although it did not need it). So in all of his "helpfulness", he forgot to read the tag that said DRY CLEAN ONLY. This mangled, obviously shrunk mess is hanging in the guest bathroom until I have the time to purchase another.

Let's see what else has happened. Oh yes, my beautiful, one of a kind coffee mug ended up in 60 pieces as well. I don't collect knick nacks, stamps, coins, etc but the one thing I do collect is pottery because it's beautiful artwork that is functional. I found this coffee mug in Breckenridge Colorado made by a local artist. It truly was a one of a kind. It has been on the top of my most prized possession list for 6 years. There have been a few other things as well, such as going waaayyy over budget on the grocery bill. At this rate we may as well eat out every night. But things are fine..... (as I grit my teeth).

Oh well, at least the house is vacuumed every day......(I really hope he goes back to work sooner than 2 weeks).

Monday, February 12, 2007

As a full blooded Democrat I just simply could not resist!

E-mail from my brother

1) (On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush.
2) 1/20/09: End of an Error
3) That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
4) Let's Fix Democracy in This Country First
5) If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
6) Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.
7) You Can't Be Pro-War And Pro-Life At The Same Time
8) If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
9) Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
10) Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
11) George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
12) Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blowjobs Anymore
14) America : One Nation, Under Surveillance
15) They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
16) Which God Do You Kill For?
17) Cheney/Satan '08
18) Jail to the Chief
19) Who Would Jesus Torture?
20) No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade
21) Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap
22) Bad president! No Banana.
23) We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
24) We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them
26) Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Blood
27) Is It Vietnam Yet?
28) Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either
29) Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
30) You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
32) Impeach Cheney First
34) When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
35) The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just call me Goober Chicken Dippin-Dippin Tush

Huh?! You ask. Well this is why. Don't laugh at me until you've done your own.


We all need a little stress-reliever! This only takes a minute. Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to break up the day. Here is your dose of humour...Follow the instructions to find your new name. And don't go all adult - a senior manager is now known far and wide as Dorky Gizzardsniffer!The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...

So:-1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:

a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:

a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; adults Laugh an average of 4 times a day. Put more laughter in your life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Baptist Church-Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina:

"Soul Food served here"

Funeral home Nags Head, North Carolina:

"We want to URN your business"

clever ain't it

Friday, January 19, 2007

Marley update

Wow! It's been a month since my last entry! Bad me.

Marley is turning 16 months on Sunday. I can't believe how time is flying. She is losing her babyesqueness (can I play that word in Scrabble?)rapidly. It's bitter sweet.

Hubby is in Virginia clearing out our storage unit this week (so glad it's him and not me) so it's just been my Bug and me. Our routine in the evening is bath, pj's, snuggle on the couch with a sippy cup of milk, clean up the toys, book and bed. On Wednesday night, after the sippy cup of milk, I was throwing her toys into one of the baskets. I noticed Marley was at the other basket, my first thought was she is emptying the contents. Boy did I not give my Bug the benefit of the doubt. She was putting her toys into the basket! After she finished she went over to her Legos Princess Carriage and began putting all the Legos pieces back in. When all the pieces were in the carriage she rolled it under the coffee table, gave me a look that said "Ok Mom, it's time for bed".